Welcome to the Cosmos of Lizzie Moon!!

Cosmos – the universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious whole; implies a complex and orderly system or entity


“Complex and orderly” … and somehow harmonious; aligning all the sundry parts into a “one-song,” a Uni-verse of what I love, what I’m passionate about, my offerings, my soul’s intent and service on this Earth.

In true Sagittarian essence, I am a seeker of truth, knowledge, the deeper meaning of life, philosophy, “higher” wisdom, seeing the big picture. So I love the pursuit of knowledge on many different topics and fields of interest. Combined with strong Virgo and Pisces energies, I’m able to pull it all together, recognizing, interpreting and arranging the wide array of elements, energy, knowledge, experience and wisdom into a pattern that helps heal and guide the individual soul’s journey.

We are all undergoing a great Turning of the Ages (read more here). So many of us – and Mother Earth herself! — are experiencing the intense process of huge life changes!

“As Above, So Below; As Within, So Without.”

We’ve all had a time of becoming clearer about our priorities and gathering courage to act upon them. We’ve changed, we’ve made decisions, we’ve lost, we’ve gained. Likewise, for me this vast, cosmic process brought some undeniable choice points that changed the direction of my focus. During this time, the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™ and the immeasurable clarity and guidance I’ve received, I’ve become unwaveringly committed to my life’s purpose at this very important time for humanity.

So, I’ve honed it down! I’ve put together the elements of Me into a pattern of offerings and expressions that I love and find to be most beneficial and helpful at this amazing time to be alive!

(More about my personal journey here.)

Guiding individuals on their unique journey of original intent and purpose. Personal readings, counseling and consultation, synastry readings, groups and retreats.

Conversations with MEN about expressions of masculinity and what it means to "be a man" in this society.

The "Lizzie Moon" band plays it all! These skillful musicians have a smooth flow of rock, blues, pop, jazz, funk and more!

Personal and small group guidance and workshops in Somatic Sensing, Integral Breath Therapy & Breathwork, Meditation, Sound immersion.

Upcoming Events

Some FAQ's on Astrology

Most people visit an astrologer when they are looking for guidance in making big decisions or going through life changes, like changing careers or deciding where to live or move. Perhaps the most common questions come when seeking advice about relationships whether romantic, in families, at work, or in groups. While Shamanic Astrology isn’t compulsory or predictive (we always have free will!), it offers a clear map of directions that will help align you with your path of purpose, to make decisions that support your path and to create more harmonious relationships in your life.
Astrology is an ancient science that has been studied, recorded and passed down around the world and across cultures for thousands of years. People in ancient times were able to recognize that the patterns they observed in the cosmos (before telescopes!) related directly to the patterns on Earth and to the lives of humans. Many systems of astrology were developed as frameworks to map and record these patterns and to align our lives with these cycles in ways that are useful and beneficial to our life on Earth.
An astrological – or “natal” – chart is a “picture” that represents the positions of particular heavenly bodies in our solar system the moment you were born. It represents your personal “cosmic mandala.” Most people know the sign the Sun was in on their birthday (ie: their “Sun sign”) and perhaps they know their “Moon” and “Rising” signs as well. However, many other points on your natal chart hold equal (or more) importance in the overall “picture of you.” These elements include Venus, Mars, Mercury and Nodal positions as well as dynamic aspects, timeline cycles and personal transits. The comprehensive and archetypal approach of Shamanic Astrology gives a very rich and multi-layered view of our soul’s intent in this lifetime.
“Sun sign” astrology has only become popular in the 1930’s when “sun sign horoscopes” began appearing in English newspapers. When a famous astrologer, (R.H. Naylor) claimed to have accurately predicted important events, he began writing a regular column featuring horoscopes based on the 12 zodiac signs. The selling point of the possibility of predicting your future based on the month you were born sold many newspapers and made the focus on “sun signs horoscopes” wildly popular. But as mentioned before, there’s so much more!
Depending on what one wants to learn and how deeply they want to study, there are many websites, teachers, systems and schools of astrology … which can be confusing! The best way to begin to make sense of all the information out there is by having a session with a knowledgeable (Shamanic) astrologer who has an understanding of the patterns and alignments in the sky, the dynamic aspects and transits that assist you on your soul’s journey and offers a space and framework that provides practical and useful guidance on your life’s path with purpose. For an excellent primer in the Basics of Astrology, check out this introduction course offered FREE with a basic membership to TOTAMS: Basics of Astrology
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