Sol Flower 13650 N 99th Ave, Sun City, AZ, United States

The whole world and all of humanity is in the midst of a Great Turning of the Ages! We all feel it, we sense it, we know something BIG is happening … personally and all around us! Learn what it all means from a cosmological perspective down to what it means to you personally and […]


Sol Flower 13650 N 99th Ave, Sun City, AZ, United States

The whole world and all of humanity is in the midst of a Great Turning of the Ages! We all feel it, we sense it, we know something BIG is happening … personally and all around us! Learn what it all means from a cosmological perspective down to what it means to you personally and […]


Sol Flower 13650 N 99th Ave, Sun City, AZ, United States

The whole world and all of humanity is in the midst of a Great Turning of the Ages! We all feel it, we sense it, we know something BIG is happening … personally and all around us! Learn what it all means from a cosmological perspective down to what it means to you personally and […]

Embracing the Sacred Masculine … Workshop for Men & Women

Moon Ranch

Everyone has both masculine/actional qualities within us and how each individual expresses those qualities can be very different than what others or “society” tells us is acceptable. Daniel Giamario is back to share his wisdom as we explore and inquire: What is “sacred masculine” energy? How is it expressed differently in men and women? How […]


Journey Through the Archetypes – VIRGO


Each of the 12 signs of the zodiac has EQUAL value and importance and its own sacred purpose at this important time for humanity! The Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™ offers a regeneration of historical archetypal essences associated with these signs into directions that are meaningful to us now in this "Great Turning of the Ages." Much […]

Journey Through the Archetypes – LIBRA


Each of the 12 signs of the zodiac has EQUAL value and importance and its own sacred purpose at this important time for humanity! The Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™ offers a regeneration of historical archetypal essences associated with these signs into directions that are meaningful to us now in this "Great Turning of the Ages." Much […]

Journey Through the Archetypes – SCORPIO


Each of the 12 signs of the zodiac has EQUAL value and importance and its own sacred purpose at this important time for humanity! The Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™ offers a regeneration of historical archetypal essences associated with these signs into directions that are meaningful to us now in this "Great Turning of the Ages." Much […]

Creating Harmonious Relationships … of all kinds!


3 Weeks - November 6th, 13th & 20th!!   Why are some relaitonships easy and comfortable and others, not so much? Are there "perfect types" for each of us and how can we tell if we're on the right track? How can we be fulfilled whether in a romantic relationship or exploring time on our […]

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