Creating Harmonious LOVE Relationships – 5-Week Workshop for Women!
OnlineSee event on June 1st for details Click for registration details
See event on June 1st for details Click for registration details
The whole world and all of humanity is in the midst of a Great Turning of the Ages! We all feel it, we sense it, we know something BIG is […]
Everyone has both masculine/actional qualities within us and how each individual expresses those qualities can be very different than what others or “society” tells us is acceptable. Daniel Giamario is […]
Join me and the members of the TOTAMS team each month as we come together to assist each other in being seen, heard and witnessed during times of intense transits, […]
Each of the 12 signs of the zodiac has EQUAL value and importance and its own sacred purpose at this important time for humanity! The Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™ offers a […]
Each of the 12 signs of the zodiac has EQUAL value and importance and its own sacred purpose at this important time for humanity! The Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™ offers a […]
Day One: How The Signs Change and Evolve Over Time with Daniel Giamario and Silvianne K. Delmars Signs and Constellations are not the same. Over the span of 26,000 years, […]
Join me and the members of the TOTAMS team each month as we come together to assist each other in being seen, heard and witnessed during times of intense transits, […]
Each of the 12 signs of the zodiac has EQUAL value and importance and its own sacred purpose at this important time for humanity! The Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™ offers a […]
I'm excited to be a part of this soulful summit! On October 19th, I will be offering mini Life Purpose and Relationship readings as well as sharing information about the […]
On October 19th, I am honored to be co-hosting a Highlight Seminar with Daniel Giamario, founder of Turning of the Ages Mystery School and the Shamanic Astrology™ approach on a […]